Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello future vets!!!

I´m going to start this blog accepting that i have never done something like this before because i´m very shy so it is a little bit strange for me.
Well, to begin with it , i have to tell you how was the last term.I don´t remember many good things between them ANATOMY!! That subject shown us what is the meaning of ´´stress´´.I say this because the practical test is the most terrify experience for a new student, giving an answer in only 30 seconds! that was crazy!! The words CHange! and Time! are still in my nightmares.
The other terrible part of the story was the sport.Now i wonder me How could i survive that torture! I remember the final test because me and my friend Patricia Star had to turn into soldiers, and we really suffered in the cross test.I lost my oxygen and i heard my name on the other tunnel´s side because i almost die, i swear!...But no everything was tragedy in that moment, a really good memory were the voices of my LOre and Rana Karina, giving me cheer! They screamed so loudly! XD
Furthermore,other good things happend related with some subjects.I think we had relaxed people teaching us.I dont know why but i miss the bouring ´´National Geographic´´ , i mean, animal behaviour course.It was very interesting.
Now i think it was not easy to face the challenge of the the first term, in spite of everything we should continue giving the last drop of effort to not die in this beautiful career.


  1. Hi brenda!!! nice picture! You love cats like I do! see you in class! byeee

  2. hi Brenda: how to forget the torture of physical conditioning? If I still have bad dreams with it, I see me running and dying.

  3. Hi mizz Brenda
    I laughed so much with your post and with the "stress" picture xD
    I love you humour sense, specially the ostrich dance =D
    See you in class :)

  4. I´m going to start this blog accepting that i have never done something like this before because i´m very shy so it is a little bit strange for me.
    Well, to begin with it , i have to tell you how WO was the last term.I don´t remember many good things between them ANATOMY!! That subject VT shown us what is the meaning of ´´stress´´.I say this because the practical test is the most WF terrify experience for a new student, giving an answer in only 30 seconds! that was crazy!! The words CHange! and Time! are still in my nightmares.
    The other terrible part of the story was the sport.Now i wonder WW me How could i survive that torture! I remember the final test because me and my friend Patricia Star had to turn into soldiers, and we really suffered in the cross test.I lost my oxygen and i heard my name on the other tunnel´s side because i almost VT die, i swear!...But WW no everything was tragedy in that moment, a really good memory were the voices of my LOre and Rana Karina, giving me cheer! They screamed so loudly! XD
    Furthermore,other good things happend related with some subjects.I think we had WW relaxed people teaching us.I dont know why but i miss the bouring ´´National Geographic´´ , i mean, animal behaviour course.It was very interesting.
    Now i think it was not easy to face the challenge of the the first term, in spite of everything we should continue giving the last drop of effort to not die in this beautiful career.

    Good Brenda, nice writing. I agree with you in the effort sense... I'm sorry about physical conditioning I must be very exhausting!


    p.s. you got a 6.5

  5. Hello vets.

    I´m going to start this blog accepting that i have never done something like this before because i´m very shy so it is a little bit strange for me.
    Well, to begin with it , i am going to tell you how was the last term.I don´t remember many good things between them ANATOMY!! That subject taught us what is the meaning of ´´stress´´.I say this because the practical test is the most terrible experience for a new student, giving an answer in only 30 seconds! that was crazy!! The words CHange! and Time! are still in my nightmares.
    The other terrible part of the story was the sport. Now i am questioning me How could i survive that torture! I remember the final test because me and my friend Patricia Star had to turn into soldiers, and we really suffered in the cross test.I lost my oxygen and i heard my name on the other tunnel´s side because felt I was going to die, i swear!...But everything was not tragedy in that moment, a really good memory were the voices of my LOre and Rana Karina, giving me cheer! They screamed so loudly! XD
    Furthermore, other good things happend related with some subjects.I think we had no demanding people teaching us.I dont know why but i miss the bouring ´´National Geographic´´ , i mean, animal behaviour course.It was very interesting.
    Now i think it was not easy to face the challenge of the the first term, in spite of everything we should continue giving the last drop of effort to not die in this beautiful career.
