Thursday, September 17, 2009

Somebody called it:Trans-turtle!!

I was a student in the begging of transantiago system. I remember that the ancient was better related with frequency of the buses, the speed of this ones and stop in any place where you wanted .Desadventages of “yellow buses” were that there was a huge competence between them and the drivers were more exposed to be stolen and lose the money that they won because it was easy and there were not any security system to protect them constrast of the topic Transantiago.
Nowdays, the thief changed behaviour and attack to usuaries because the bip card has eliminated the use of cash, an advantage of this system is that exist a plenty of connection between technology fact and the people who needs to use it delivering more information about the rout , price and giving more safety .
But, the black reality of the history is that Transantiago doesn´t work because it is a bad copy taken from other cultures more evolutionated. In Chile some people get into the bus but they don`t pay, other prefer the subway because the prices are almost the same and the factors mentioned above are in bad function or simple way aren´t working. By the way, Bam Bam Zamorano was in trouble for being the face of the publicity so we can remember there was many people disappointed with him!
Finally I think the first system named was much better because I was never in late, it was faster and comfortable .


  1. hi brendi!!!!
    ooohh!! you really like more the yellow sistem?!! I love transantigo! jajajajaja
    have a good vacation! bye!

  2. Hi mizz!!
    I hurried up my post :)
    I think it was unfair to Zamorano to have been criticized for being the "public face" of Transantiago, but it was also a fail from their "public relationers" (I don't know how to say it, sorry xD)
    have a nice 18 studying micro xD
    tiki tiki tiii!

  3. I was a student in the begging of transantiago system. I remember that the ancient was better related with frequency of the buses, the speed of this ones and stop in any place where you wanted .Desadventages of “yellow buses” were that there was a huge competence between them and the drivers were more exposed to be stolen and lose the money that they won because it was WF easy and there were not any security system to protect them constrast of the topic Transantiago.
    Nowdays, the thief changed behaviour and attack to WW usuaries because the bip card has eliminated the use of cash, an advantage of this system is that WW exist a plenty of connection between technology fact and the people who SVA needs to use it delivering more information about the rout , price and giving more safety .
    But, the black reality of the history is that Transantiago doesn´t work because it is a bad copy taken from other cultures more evolutionated. In Chile some people get into the bus but they don`t pay, other prefer the subway because the prices are almost the same and the factors mentioned above are in bad function or simple way aren´t working. By the way, Bam Bam Zamorano was in trouble for being the face of the publicity so we can remember there was many people disappointed with him!
    Finally I think the first system named was much better because I was never in late, it was faster and comfortable .

    I have forgotten about Ivan Zamorano haha!!
    some paragraphs are too short, try to develop more your ideas, support them with examples

    p.s. you got a 5.7

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Transantiago.
    I was a student in the begging of transantiago system. I remember that the ancient was better related with frequency of the buses, the speed of this ones and stop in any place where you wanted .Desadventages of “yellow buses” were that there was a huge competence between them and the drivers were more exposed to be robbed and lose the money that they won because it was easier and there were not any security system to protect them constrast of the topic Transantiago.
    Nowdays, the thief changed behaviour and attack to people who use it because the bip card has eliminated the use of cash, an advantage of this system is that it has plenty of connection between technology fact and the people who need to use it delivering more information about the rout , price and giving more safety .
    But, the black reality of the history is that Transantiago doesn´t work because it is a bad copy taken from other cultures more evolutionated. In Chile some people get into the bus but they don`t pay, other prefer the subway because the prices are almost the same and the factors mentioned above are in bad function or simple way aren´t working. By the way, Bam Bam Zamorano was in trouble for being the face of the publicity so we can remember there were many people disappointed with him!
    Finally I think the first system named was much better because I was never in late, it was faster and comfortable
