Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My favourite animal

Everybody has a favourite animal because people feel to be reflected with them refering to their own personalities, about one particular characteristc present in it ,the behaviour it shows or perhaps a simple utopia about what we would like to be.

I know maybe people is going to have a bad idea from me because this animal has not a good reputation, many pople think it is an useless, ugly and negigible animal.Well it is defined like the most lazy alive form in the world, this is the Sloth.

This animal live in South America specially in the tropical forest and we can recognize two kind of furry sloth which can be diferenciated by the number of claw that it has. Animals who have two are called Choloepus and who have three are called Bradypus.

In my opinion the sloth is absolutely smart in relation with the way it use the energy in order with the feed it has , in other words only some leafs and stems,it eats a little it moves a little to avoid the loss of calories probably because it has a very very slow metabolism.In spite of the sloth wastes the major part of its life hunging from branch eating, the female is ready to breed one time per year, one baby who hungs from the its mother too, so the feature laziness is presented since it borns. This animal even have their mates in the trees, all vital functions are developed in trees, exc luding have poo and to urinate. At least they are not so thoughtless with the others animals which live in the forest and it is a way to give back the nutrients for being used by the soil and the vegetation. Some authors say the sloth is like the gardener of the tropical forest. At least sloth aren´t so lazy untill the point of being unemployed!

Well i have just watched it on T.V. and it always has attracted me mainly because it is a faithfull archetype of one of the capital sins, to be lazy, not do or be worried for something, only rest, sleep and eat, what can be better!!??. Besides the role sloths has in the nature is complete opposite to any prejudice we could do from it, so appearances deceive.

Overall, i like this animal because it represent one of the unacceptable virtue of our human culture, i am not enough sure if laziness is what people used to think it is, but i am only sure that this animals act slow but safe and we should learn and follow the example.


  1. good election, according your likes and dislikes...
    A little predictable, cause I know you hate lazy people xDDDD
    see you in class

  2. hello Brenda: i like your favourite animal.
    see you in class.

  3. Hi Brenda!

    I like this animal and I agree with you.
    se you!


  4. Everybody has a favourite animal because people feel to be reflected WW with them refering to their own personalities, about one particular characteristc present in it ,the behaviour it shows or perhaps a simple utopia about what we would like to be.

    I know maybe people SVA is going to have a bad idea from me because this animal has not a good reputation, many pople think it is an useless, ugly and negigible animal.Well it is defined like the most WW lazy alive form in the world, this is the Sloth.

    This animal SVA live in South America specially in the tropical forest and we can recognize two kind of furry sloth which can be diferenciated by the number of claw that it has. Animals who have two are called Choloepus and who have three are called Bradypus.

    In my opinion the sloth is absolutely smart in relation with the way it use the energy in order with the feed it has , in other words only some WF leafs and stems,it eats a little it moves a little to avoid the loss of calories probably because it has a very very slow metabolism.In spite of the sloth wastes the major part of its life hunging from branch eating, the female is ready to breed one time per year, one baby who hungs from the its mother too, so the feature laziness is presented since it ^borns. This animal even SVA have their mates in the trees, all vital functions are developed in trees, exc luding have poo and to urinate. At least they are not so thoughtless with the WF others animals which live in the forest and it is a way to give back the nutrients for being used by the soil and the vegetation. Some authors say the sloth is like the gardener of the tropical forest. At least sloth aren´t so lazy SP untill the point of being unemployed!

    Well i have just watched it on T.V. and it always has attracted me mainly because it is a faithfull archetype of one of the capital sins, to be lazy, not do or be worried for something, only rest, sleep and eat, what can be better!!??. Besides the role sloths has in the nature is complete opposite to any prejudice we could do from it, so appearances deceive.

    Overall, i like this animal because it SVA represent one of the unacceptable virtue of our human culture, i am not enough sure if laziness is what people used to think it is, but i am only sure that this animals act slow but safe and we should learn and follow the example.

    I didn´t know it was so slow and lazy... although I think some people are worse! speaking of which, be careful with some structures EDIT!

    p.s. you got a 5,3
