Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stem cell helps to understand infertility

Well this time the Guardian news paper from UK is the choosen for development of any new related with our career.I decided to write about a recently solution for infertility which has born from the famous stem cells.
This scientist arcticle is focus on differents researches which have been developed about the certain causes of infertility .Mainly this topic is important to sort out because there are many mechanism unknown until now related with the way the reproductive cells turn into healthy cells and when this mechanism fails.
Genetic periods that happen early on the first stage in the development of sperm and eggs are a major cause of infertility in men and women. Understanding the exactly path since the start has been practically impossible to study because the sex cells form early, before an embryo is two weeks old, so understanding the way of how sperm and egg cells grow will help scientists to carry out treatments for people and animals who are left infertile when the process goes wrong, The research it is going to help to put into practice new treatments that can correct growth defects before a child is born.
People who is working in this problem are trying to find out which genes made reproductive cells (isolated from the embryo) grow properly by switching different genes on and off. Until the moment, it has been indentified one gene called DAZL, it is connected in the formation of sex cells from the beggining.
The topic presented in the arcticle has relevance in animal production because many animals can be afected too, in spite the discovery has been made in humans, reproductive medicine of the stem cells had been very widespread in our scientific area.

What do you think vets?



  1. hello brenda: very interesting your new.

  2. Hello Brenda!

    I think that this is a very interesting theme to search the cure of differents diseases and other problems.

    take care!!
