Sunday, November 22, 2009

improving our facilitie's faculty.

University is a place where you would have flaws but there are always exceptions and in our case we have many needs to satisfy. It isn´t about complaining but we as students deserve the best for our own formation as professional people and we are used to complaining we are studying in University of Chile and if this is the best place to learn we should have the best facilities too.
The library is a place where you can not study in peace because there are always people talking loud and you can not be concentrated in spite we have one study room is not always available for us so what can we do? where can we study in silent?. On the other hand there are not enough books for 800 students and the amount of time you can use one is very reduced so is very difficult to make the most we would like.
Another thing shock me when I arrived here, is that the animal facilities are uncomfortable to make some practices and the animals are ill; it´s like this weren´t a veterinary faculty, I don’t like front that situation because yes, we might to know how looks an animal when is not healthy but in here are undernourished too! I think they would be better in the zoo.
The class rooms have lacks too, for example is very little space to make classes for 150 persons, and fortunately we have microphones to hear right but sometime it doesn´t work and this is the worst part because teachers have to scream, student have to scream even when you do and exposition so it must be improved.
The cafeteria is a shame because the food is not the best and the prices are too high, the space is very reduced, and the saleswoman is unkind.
I deal with all this stuffs changing my behavior for example I try to not to buy some food in here, I buy my lunch in mundo granja because the salesman is very friendly (not like woman in veterinary who really bite) or I prefer to cross to agronomy faculty because there is excellent food there. Related with facilities problem we as students only can make a formal complain through "centro de alumnos" and trust directive understand the needs we have.
All in all this faculty can have the problems already mentioned before but we are satisfied with quality of our teachers at least this is not a worry to deal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi brenda!

    the microphones are a big trouble! xD

    see you!
