Sunday, November 22, 2009

My experience learning English at the University.

It is true that everybody has to learn english today. Whatever would be the career you choose suddenly you face a world which is demanding people with more capabilities, more education and more abilities to communicate with other in diferent languagues but there is no other more important than English. Unfortunately in Chile no many educational centres has realized about our current situation, and if we as students think about what our veterinary medicine faculty delivery us i really think we have a ´´plus´´ in relation with others veterinarian, a great opportunity to develope the discipline even in other part of the world.

Since i arrived in 2008 to University the course was obligatory for all new students. It was organized in differents levels which were determined by a test. I was in my first term in pre intermediated, which was for me a experience of effort because miss is very demanding with vets and everybody there thougth that we knew enough english but i think now every student in that course changed the mind.
If i compared my experience with the starters and the begginners i think my group did not carry out many activities and homeworks as they did. We did not have blogs, videos to do, histories to tell, absolutely nothing at all but our test were more difficult than the other group had (it was reflected in the marks) and many of us dissapointed of our poor knowledge. It was sad but it was an incentive to wish learn more and do not lose the valuable tool we have in here.

Now the experience is being the opposite to the first year lerning English. The Pilot English course is much better because in this one we have more activities to develop, we have more practical things like conversations in circle and it is not like a common class but it seems to be a new strategy way to teach and involving students with the confidence they migth get to speak. Furthermore, listening is reforced in every class with some test, songs and videos so the students have improved their skills because this kind of learning.

Taking in account all, is true in my first term pre intermediated homeworks and activities in english were a hugely different related with the Pilot course i have taken so i could not improved my knowlegde as i would liked to.In spite of that i think we are being prepared to front problems from differents points of view even using a new languague which is useful because the credible information we can find about cience is in English. Also, It is giving us the opportunities to travel and work in other country spreading labor field to develop.All the adventages named already mentioned show us the importance of demand holistic education and do not lose this central tools.

1 comment:

  1. hi brenda: i was in started, begginer and preintermediate and i can tell you that it was a nice experience
